Joint injections

Joint Injections

Joint Injections: Pioneering Pain Relief at Its Best

At Apex, joint injections are a minimally invasive procedure primarily aimed at pain relief and diagnostic purposes. Administered by our experienced professionals, these injections not only alleviate discomfort but can also help in identifying the root causes of joint pain.

Joint Injections Unfolded: The Science Behind the Relief

  • Definition: Joint injections involve introducing medication directly into the joint cavity, most commonly using anti-inflammatory agents or corticosteroids. These injections are performed under imaging guidance, ensuring accuracy and minimal discomfort.
  • How it works: The medication helps reduce inflammation within the joint, subsequently alleviating pain. For diagnostic purposes, a local anesthetic is injected to determine if the pain originates from the joint.

Offering Relief: Pain Conditions Targeted by Joint Injections

  • Arthritis or osteoarthritis pain
  • Joint pain from injury or wear and tear
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Other joint inflammations and conditions
Effective Joint Injections | Apex Spine

Is Joint Injection the Answer? Identifying Ideal Candidates

  • Patients with chronic joint pain unresponsive to conventional treatments.
  • Those with persistent inflammation in one or multiple joints.

The Road Ahead: Preparing for a Joint Injection Procedure

  • Consultation: Your specialist will assess your medical history and perform an examination.
  • Procedure: After cleaning the injection site, local anesthesia is applied to numb the area. The medication is then injected into the joint cavity using imaging guidance.
  • Duration: The entire procedure typically takes 15-30 minutes.
  • Aftercare: Mild soreness at the injection site is common but subsides in a day or two. Activities can usually be resumed shortly after the injection, but always follow your specialist's advice.
  • Results: Pain relief can be immediate due to the local anesthetic and longer-lasting relief from the anti-inflammatory effects will typically be noticed within 3-5 days.

Entrust your joint health with Apex. For a comprehensive approach to pain relief and diagnostics, our joint injections are a trusted solution.

Partner with Apex Neurosurgery & Spine and embark on a journey towards a pain-free existence. Our individualized treatments promise to deliver comfort, relief, and improved quality of life.

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